
Welcome to my MA1800 Final Project!

Here I have created a virtual gif exhibiton which contains 4 gifs I have made in the 3D modeling software blender in the vaporwave aesthetic. Next to each of the gifs will be a description about the history of that item in the vaporwave subculture. On other pages there will be a process of the creation of a gif from the modeling, texturing, animating and finally process of turning that animation into a gif, ready to display on this webpage. Additionally, another page will be hyperlinked which focusses further on the history and theory behind vaporwave, from its conception to its popularisation in the 2010s as a nostalgic take on 1990s.


Works Used

Hero Image 1 -
Fiji Water Texture -
Master Sword Texture -
Palm Trees Texture -
DUMMY Vaporwave and the pop-art of the virtual plaza -

Final Comment

I believe my final project has largely been successful, I have been able to immerse myself in the Vaporwave aesthetic 
and theme well, creating GIFs that accurately represent the movment. I believe I have stuck well to my breif in what
I set out to create. However, had I given myself more time I would have tried to create more GIFs in different 
Vaporwave styles, perhaps making a scene with a sunrise, car and palm trees, using more than just one model for each
GIF. Additionally I would've liked to give more attention to the theoretical side of the Vaporwave aesthetic, what
exactly makes something 'Vaporwave' and 'Nostalgic', however I devoted too much time to the creation, texturing and 
animating of the GIFs.

The History of Vaporwave


Process of Creating Gifs


Return to the Exhibiton